Bipolar disorder involves episodes, where mood and activity level are significantly disturbed. These can manifest as elevated mood, heightened energy and increased activity (mania), or depressed mood, diminished energy and decreased activity (depression).
So sufferers may experience two opposing moods: on the one hand, euphoric and “on top of the world”, and on the other, a depressive, despondent mood, “sunk in despair”. They experience an emotional roller coaster.
The mood swings can be so strong that they make it impossible to live a normal, everyday life. Milder, less pronounced disturbances are also possible in addition to these extremes of mood and the associated changes in behaviour and thinking. Some sufferers also experience phases in which manic and depressive symptoms appear at the same time (known as mixed episodes).
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In the event of an acute crisis:
Call your doctor. Your doctor can be the first step in getting help.
Seek immediate help from a doctor or the nearest hospital emergency room (Notaufnahme), if you or someone you know is in crisis or considering suicide. List of German hospitals
In an emergency:
On-call doctor service / medical service (Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst):
Currently there is only this English-speaking bipolar support group (Selbsthilfegruppe/SHG) which is located in Berlin and is also online via ZOOM. Please contact Daniel:
More detailed information can be found inside the following PDF Paths to psychotherapy.
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